
Real Estate

This is a large concentration of our practice. Whether you want to sell or purchase real estate, engage in a quiet title action, exchange real estate under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code, settle a boundary dispute, or negotiate a contract, we stand ready to assist you. Our documents can be promptly prepared to help our client obtain funds as the seller, or get possession and a mortgage as a buyer.

Zoning and Planning

The ability to cut through governmental red tape on behalf of clients developing real estate is an area of concentration for our firm. We have represented Zoning Boards and Planning Commissions. This representation serves us well when we are called upon to present requests ranging from a simple variance to a complex subdivision of land.

©2018 Mefford and Weber, P.C. - Attorneys at Law
130 East Seventh Street Auburn, Indiana 46706-1839
P: 260.925.2300 ~ FX: 260.925.2610

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